Nutanix : Free Certifications Voucher !


Always wanted to give a try to a Nutanix examen but you cannot afford it ? (between $99 and $199). Your company does not want to pay for it ? There are discounts from time to time, but you need to prepare for the exam, they are not super easy (especially NCP/NCM...).
Ok, I have a good news for you !

Voucher !!!!

Nutanix University gave me a voucher for some popular exams, YES ! So, if you have in mind to try the following exams : NCA, NCP, or NCM, do not hesitate and register today !
The following voucher is available until May 15th Midnight PST. It can be used once. So, if you are planning to pass one of the exam above, chose carefully.


Register on, enrol for the training and register for the exam before May 15th. But, of course, the exam can be scheduled AFTER May 15th.

If you already failed in the past and why to try it again, this is also a very good opportunity ;)

Good luck everybody, and do not hesitate to comment below to let us know the result !

I hope this help ;)


  1. Can a Graduate Student Do Nutanix NCA Certification or Do I need any sponsor to register for the exam

  2. Thanks for the VOUCHER. I did the exam of NCA months ago and failed. Now I have the chance to repeat. Thank you very much, I already scheduled it.


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